Mary Baranowski-Lowden: Wabi Sabi etched copper bowls

Wabi Sabi Bowls

These are etched hand-hammered copper bowls. They are given a gentle iridescent patina and rubbed with etching inks to bring out the delicate detail. The underside of each bowl is also etched with images as well as my signature.  Six coats of wax are carefully applied and hand buffed to create a protective layer.

A little about the philosophy of wabi sabi...

The meaning of wabi sabi is often condensed to "wisdom in natural simplicity."

Wabi connotes rustic simplicity, freshness or quietness, and can be applied to both natural and human-made objects, or understated elegance. It can also refer to quirks and anomalies arising from the process of construction, which add uniqueness and elegance to the object. Sabi is beauty or serenity that comes with age, when the life of the object and its impermanence are evidenced in its patina and wear.

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Mary Baranowski-Lowden | Wakefield, Québec | (819) 459-3698 |